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순수 및 응용수학 저널 영어로


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  • Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées
  • 순수    순수 [巡狩] a royal tour; a royal progress.
  •     및 and; also; as well as; in addition to;
  • 응용수학 응용수학    Applied mathematics
  • 국제 순수 및 응용화학연맹    international union of pure and applied chemistry
  • 순수수학    Pure mathematics
  • 국제 순수·응용 화학 연합    International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
  • 순수    순수 [巡狩] a royal tour; a royal progress. ~하다 make a progress.▷ 순수비 진흥왕 ~비 a monument in commemoration of King Chinhung's tour.순수 [純粹] purity; pureness; genuineness. 영어의 ~성을 깨끗이 보존하다 preserve the pur
  • 기술 및 응용과학 둘러보기 틀    Technology and applied science navigational boxes
  • 기술 및 응용과학에 관한 틀    Technology and applied science templates
  • 용수    용수1 [술을 거르는 기구] a rice-wine strainer. ~를 지르다 put a strainer into fermented rice wine.2 [죄수의 얼굴에 씌우던 기구] a basket-like headgear for prisoners.용수 [用水] (수도의) city water; (관개용의) water for irrigation; (소
  • 응용    응용 [應用] [적용] (practical) application; [실용] practice. 원리의 실지 ~ the application of a principle. ~ 범위가 넓은 원리 a principle of wide application. ~하다 [이론 등을 적용하다] apply ; [실용화하다] put to practical use; adap
  • 수학    수학 [修學] pursuit of knowledge; study; learning; education. ~하다 pursue knowledge; study; learn; get an education.수학 [數學] mathematics; math; maths. ~적인[으로] mathematical(ly). 고등 ~ higher mathematics.
  •     및 and; also; as well as; in addition to; besides; both ‥ and. 영어 ~ 수학에 있어서 in mathematics as well as in English. 이 법령은 부산 ~ 인천에서 실시되고 있다 This ordinance is in effect in Pusan and Inch'on.
  • 용수과 용수과    Didiereaceae
  • 순수 법학    Pure Theory of Law
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